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Who we are

Our website address is: 


I hold information about my clients and the counselling they receive in confidence. This means I will not normally give your name or any information about you to anyone else.

There are exceptional cases where ethically or legally I would share your data, for example, if I had reason to believe that either you or someone else is at serious risk of harm. I will discuss any proposed disclosure with you unless I consider that doing so could increase the level of risk.

If you come with a partner, I may see each of you individually. What is said in those individual sessions will be confidential and not shared with your partner.

Data Protection

The UK data protection legislation applies to the processing of personal data.

I keep personal data about you for the purpose of delivering counselling to you.

 I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (IC0). sets out your rights in relation to the data I hold about you.

Some of the information I collect is classified as sensitive personal data. This may include for example data concerning physical or mental health, religious beliefs, or sexual life. I request you to sign my Data Protection Statement to provide explicit consent to the use of the data.

Any notes I take about sessions are extremely brief, not a verbatim account and are used only to support continuity from session to session.

Your data is stored securely.

Records are kept for a period of 3 years and are then destroyed.

On rare occasions, clients may wish to exercise their rights under data protection legislation to make a subject access request in respect of their personal information held by me. In these cases, I will only release information if consent has been given by all the individuals involved.


Please switch off your mobile phone during the counselling.

Please do not attempt to record your counselling sessions.

I do not record any sessions.

Reports & Client records

I am not able to write reports because of my duty of confidentiality and I am not trained in the specialist areas of diagnosis or other expert report writing. My client records are not suitable as evidence in legal proceedings and I reserve the right to resist legal requests to produce records in court. I would do this to protect my duty of confidentiality to all clients.